Check out our first free plugin skins for CamelCrusher! This pack contains 3 custom made free skins, see images below! You will find a download button and how to install the CamelCrusher skins at the end of this page.
Free CamelCrusher Skins Screenshots
As you can see there are two skins completely different than the original CamelCrusher layout, these are the Typhonic Samples Edition. The last skin is with the default layout, but with different colours. Downloading this skin pack gives you all three skins!

Download Custom Skins for CamelCrusher
Download Free Camel Crusher Skins
How to install custom CamelCrusher skins?
If you want to use a custom skin for CamelCrusher, follow these steps:
1. Locate your skin folder. This is usually at: C -> ProgramData -> Camel Audio -> CamelCrusherData -> Skins
(or go to the folder where you installed CamelCrusher, there’s a shortcut to the CamelCrusherData folder.
2. Rename the “default” folder. E.g. “defaultbackup“.
3. Choose your desired Typhonic Samples skin and rename the folder to “default“.
4. Load or reload CamelCrusher in your DAW.
5. Enjoy!